Claim a Record

We recommend to read the form first, assemble all of the data and then complete and submit in one sitting.

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Speed record requirements

A speed record claim must be:

  • a faster repeat of a journey with same margins, route, distance and mode of travel, or..
  • an original journey that has been repeated in a slower time

The original and repeated journeys must be same gender but can be awarded as fastest ‘person’ if fastest overall

A speed record is measured using elapsed time between start and end eg. 47 days, 3 hours, 48 minutes

The original and repeated journeys must be Unsupported

Minor alterations to margins are permitted provided they are not selected expressly to gain a distance advantage

Illegal journeys

Any journey that is illegal, unauthorised, environmentally reckless or unnecessarily endangers the lives of others will not be recognised by PECS.

Counter-submission to a disputed claim

You can oppose a disputed claim by completing and submitting the below form. Include all relevant details including

  • photos and/or video identifying milestones (start, end and significant midway points, GPS screenshots)
  • GPX data (waypoints of your route)
    • at a minimum journeys should submit a file of daily camp locations, including start and end points
    • in addition kite and sail journeys should submit their tracker file
  • photocopy of your written log
  • witness testimonials

Your Name
Your Name

eg. Fortitude South Pole Expedition

eg. Nov 28, 2020 to Jan 16, 2021

eg. Unsupported South Pole Ski Expedition

I was guided *
I was solo *

Name, age, nationality, gender. Use a separate line per person

Participant Claim

How does the participant qualify for a record? eg. Youngest person to ski to the North Pole

eg. Hercules Inlet, or coordinates using DDM (Degrees Decimal Minutes)

eg. Point 660, or coordinates using DDM (Degrees Decimal Minutes)

eg. Dye 2, Axel Heiberg Glacier

Upload your file (maximum of 10, total 40mb)

New Route Claim
What was your mode of travel? You can select multiple *
Mode of Travel Claim
Did you benefit from any of the following between the start and end of your journey? *
Unsupported Claim


Distance Claim

If claiming a distance record, give details of previous record holder eg, expedition name, year, participants, their distance

List days, hours and minutes if relevant

Duration Claim

If claiming a duration record, give details of previous record holder eg, expedition name, year, participants, how many days

Include any details not listed above

Submit this claim to Guinness World Records? *

(maximum of 10, total 40mb)

(maximum of 10, total 40mb)

(maximum of 10, total 40mb)

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